Professionally Facilitating Vital Meetings
Through professional facilitation, we’ll deliver your sensitive/classified meeting and achieve your desired outcomes.
Facilitate Vital, Classified or Sensitive Meetings
Sensitive, classified meetings present a different challenge
If your meeting will be discussing sensitive or classified information, at OS or S*cret, and you are using an external facilitator you need to be able to trust the facilitator to manage the meeting, delegates and information in the appropriate way.
At Treehouse, with more than 15 years experience of facilitating workshops for clients in a variety of government agencies, we have been brought in on many occasions as a trusted partner to run workshops and meetings at a higher security classification.
Security of the information is integral to how we operate. Here’s why you can trust us:
Security cleared facilitators – all our facilitators have BPSS, the majority have been security cleared by HMG to SC (Security Cleared) and some have DV (Developed Vetting).
Cyber Essentials Plus Accreditation - All our facilitators have individual CyberEssentials certification. In addition, Treehouse has Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation for our IT systems to ensure that the right security controls are in place to receive, store, process and distribute information at the appropriate security classification.
Secure information management - We will work with you to identify the most appropriate way to communicate and share information. This would include agreeing if secure videoconferencing is required, ensuring that workshops are run on client premises and identifying secure platforms to share documents with you. Additionally, we will set up a secure area on the Treehouse SharePoint site, accessible only by the team working on your project.
By sticking to these principles, we will give you the peace of mind not only that our facilitators will deliver an excellent outcome to the session, but that your information is in safe hands.
So if you’re looking for a helping hand to manage your vital meetings, get in touch below!
Facilitating Vital Meetings
Facilitating Innovation